Surfar e mergulhar
Alguma imprensa norte-americana anda a publicar uma dupla-página comercial sobre o mundo das revistas e a Internet. O anuncio leva a fotografia de Michael Phelps (feita por Jim Fiscus), o que lhe garante visibilidade imediata, com a lógica que está subjacente à campanha: "We surf the Internet. We swim in magazines"...
Em si, o conceito é brilhante. Mas o melhor mesmo é o texto do anuncio, uma extraordinária peça de comunicação, criatividade e informação. Uma prova de que a publicidade pode ser bem mais do que vender - e o jornalismo bem mais do que informar. Leiam, por favor...
(E no fim vejam o video, que está relacionado e vale a pena...)
We surf the Internet.
We swim in magazines.
The Internet is exhilarating. Magazines are enveloping. The Internet grabs you. Magazines embrace you. The Internet is impulsive. Magazines are immersive. And both media are growing.
Barely noticed amidst the thunderous Internet clamor is the simple fact that magazine readership has risen over the past five years. Even in the age of Internet, even among the groups one would assume are most singularly hooked on digital media, the appeal of magazine is growing.
Think of it this way: during the 12-year life of Google, magazine readership actually increased 11 percent.
What it proves, once again, is that a new medium doesn’t necessarily displace an existing one. Just as movies didn’t kill radio. Just as TV didn’t kill movies. As established medium can continue to flourish so long as it continues to offer a unique experience. And, as reader loyalty anda growth demonstrate, magazines do.
Wich is why people aren’t giving up swimming, just because they also enjoy surfing.